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Dance into Contact - 14.08.2024

Contact Improvisation Workshop with Daiana Catan 

Contact Improvisation means dancing in contact with other bodies. Dancing from our desire, taking care of our body and the bodies around us. Expanding our movement possibilities in all directions, together.

In this workshop, you can discover or deepen your practice of this beautiful form of movement and play, liberating your body, mind and soul.

✨ Who is Daiana Catan? ✨

Diana is a music, singing, yoga and dance teacher who creates workshops on somatic body work, bioenergetics and contact improvisations. Orginally from Argentina, where she honed her crafts of the past 15 years in Buenos Aires, she is also known in Guatemala and Mexico for her body and mind empowering sessions.

Sounds exciting?
You can get your ticket to this workshop by filling out this form:

📍 Where does the event take place?

Kulturzentrum 4lthangrund, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien

🕒 What time should you be there?

The event starts at 6 PM sharp, on Wednesday, the 14th of August. We suggest being there 30 minutes before the start of the workshop so you can get changed without time pressure and settle in. We will finish at 9 PM with breaks and time to integrate and process our experiences together.

What should you bring to the event?

We highly recommend wearing comfortable (long-sleeve) clothing and bringing a reusable water bottle.

Got more questions?

Email us at 📧

Can't wait to spend another fantastic evening with you all! 😍

See you soon,

Your friends at vibe.rations